Tuesday, October 17, 2017

October 2017 Statelessness Roundup

Here is an non-exhaustive list of some of the biggest developments on the topic of statelessness and nationality from around the world:

The Malaysian press continues their extensive coverage of the issue of birth registration, including on the introduction of a late fee for registration. See article here.

Excom side-event on Rohingya refugees. Also, there have been a bunch of articles on problems with and controversy over repatriation/returns and indications that Guterres may make a major push to resolve the crisis.

Cambodia appears poised to revoke the citizenship of ethnic Vietnamese persons living in Cambodia, according to this story.

Syria and Iraq
The enormous problem of stateless children stemming from the wars in Iraq and Syria continues. This article is about potential statelessness amongst the children of ISIS fighters.

The "Nowhere People" exhibit comes to Chicago.

Also, further analysis of recent Supreme Court decision on nationality law.

Deprivation of citizenship for persons accused of ties to Iran. Unrest in Bahrain continues due to tensions between the Shia majority and the government over alleged Iranian influence.

Americas generally
A recent article on the eradication of statelessness in the Americas.

West Africa generally
UNHCR has issued its latest newsletter on statelessness in W. Africa and the Banjul Action Plan. It notes that Burkina Faso has now acceded to the 1961 Convention.

Europe generally
UNHCR has unveiled its determination procedures for stateless persons in detention. Also, ENS highlights the high cost of nationality in Britain, an issue that resonates in many countries.

ISI has released guidelines on statelessness for development actors.

A new paper has been published in Tilburg Law Review on stateless indigenous peoples.

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